last supper parody: The Endless Supper

27102017: Ultima cena: Sandman The Endless Supper

Ultima cena: Sandman
Ultima cena parodia di oggi: Sandman The Endless Supper

Per chi non conosce il fumetto sandman, come al solito c’e’ wikipedia

L’immagine e’ presa da qui.

Ecco la spiegazione in inglese dei personaggi:

The basic concept of it – just the concept of personifying Dream, along with all of his brothers and sisters, the seven Endless personifying Death, personifying Destruction and Delirium and Destiny and Desire and Despair. I mean, that’s just a fascinating and, I think, a really cinematic concept. You look at the art of Sandman, and it just looks spectacular. I love big, spectacular movies, but oftentimes big, spectacular movies sort of get stuck in a rut. They go down certain paths that end in big explosions or whatever. Sandman has so much opportunity to do something that’s on a grand, grand scale, but really unlike your average big, grand-scale, spectacular movie. I guess that’s the tip of the iceberg.


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